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What Are the Benefits of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses?

Home » Contact Lenses » What Are the Benefits of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses?

Learn why dailies are a great choice during Covid-19

All contacts are convenient, comfortable, and provide ultra-crisp vision. But with daily disposable contact lenses – AKA dailies – you insert a fresh pair every morning, remove them before bedtime and throw them away. There’s no disinfecting or storing necessary, which is why disposable contact lenses offer superior convenience.

It’s no wonder why dailies are the first choice for vision correction for many people. At Vision Professionals, we fit many patients with disposable contact lenses at our four optometry clinics in the Columbus, OH, region.

Whether you’re considering contacts for the first time or thinking about switching to a new type, here’s a view of some additional advantages of daily disposable contact lenses.

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Disposable contact lenses help protect against Covid-19

In general, dailies are respected widely as the healthiest contact lenses option for your eyes. Because you toss them out nightly, any bacteria, deposits or virus pathogens that stuck to your lenses during the day and weren’t fully cleaned off are never re-introduced to your eyes the next morning. Even with nightly cleaning, some of these deposits - including the coronavirus pathogen - can lead to eye irritation and infection.

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), contact lenses are regarded as safe to wear during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it’s essential to remember that every time you touch your eyes, you are risking the transmission of the novel coronavirus into your body. By wearing daily disposable contact lenses, not only is contact with your eyes minimized, but every pair of contacts you insert into your eyes is guaranteed to be clean and hygienic. That’s why dailies rank high in terms of ways to protect yourself against Covid-19.

Daily cost of dailies

In recent years, manufacturers developed many new methods and materials for producing contact lenses. Fortunately, these advanced technologies brought the cost of production down, and daily disposable contact lenses have become very affordable. Also, even if dailies may carry a higher price tag initially, you don’t need to purchase any lens care solutions or products – so your total cost is lower.

Are disposable contact lenses right for you?

Daily disposables are made in many prescriptions, including toric lenses to correct astigmatism, multifocal designs to correct presbyopia, and even as colored contact lenses. This expands the range of people who can wear disposables to almost everyone. So they may be a fantastic option for you too! To learn more, visit our eye doctor at one of our Columbus, OH, eye care clinics for a contact lenses eye exam and fitting.

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